Make sure you scroll down to see both posts for the STAMPTACULAR SUNDAY CHALLENGE
Welcome to my blog today. If you arrived from Paula's blog you are on the right track. If not, please head back over to check out Paula's creations and leave her a little love. We have some summer inspiration and fun challenges along the way with PRIZES. How does that sound?!
First let me tell you some of the things my family enjoys doing over the summer. I'd love to hear what you like to do too!
We love to go camping every year with my ENTIRE family for a week. It is a great week full of love and laughs as we catch up with family from all over the US.
We love to spend time at our local pool or any lake we can find and go swimming. My kids become fish while I get to indulge in some long awaited reading.
We also love to head out for ice cream. My favorite is the Coffee Lover's special from Cold Stone Creamery. Yummo! My kids' palates are finally surpassing the "Superman" ice cream flavor...blek! We really just love spending time together relaxing. I can't wait for the "official" summer break:)
I have a SPECIAL CHALLENGE for you with some BLOG CANDY if you complete this challenge today. (If you can't play today then I will have some separate blog candy that I will post tomorrow so you have a chance to play too)
Do you ever think about why you love making cards and gifts? I love giving people something that I hope will make them smile. Is this why you love to make cards? Well then this is a great challenge for you. Please go to the website MAKE A CHILD SMILE . Please choose a child that you would like to make a card for and send the link for your finished project to Priscilla at BY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. Make sure you don't forget to send the card to that child, ok? Please read THIS SECTION, especially the Do's and Don't part before making your card. All cards need to be cheery and fun!
I know sometimes because of time restraints you can't finish your card in one day. SOOOO, I will be posting the same challenge tomorrow with some different blog candy that you could win. The details will be posted tomorrow for that. You can participate in both by making 2 for today and one for tomorrow. Let's fill these kids' mailboxes with some smiles, ok!
Now head on over to Line's Blog to see what she has to show you:) Have fun!