Quote of the Week

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou

Monday, September 14, 2009



My BIG announcement:)

The Big Event

About a month ago, I realized that I was approaching my First Blog-iversary. Now usually people celebrate with some BLOG CANDY. Today is NO exception! I have some HUGE blog candy to share. My blog candy, though, is a little different. I'm calling it my "Blog Candy for a Cause." Let me explain...

About 6 months ago I had the honor of being welcomed onto the Stamptacular Sunday Challenge Design Team. Priscilla is the driving force behind our fun challenge blog. Although I have never actually met her, I could tell right away that she was a special person.

She has been a foster parent and was discussing the possibility of adopting another child when she was diagnosed with Cancer. In the meantime, both her husband and daughter have suffered some health issues as well. Just when they thought it couldn't get much worse...more "bumps in the road" ensued.

Let me share a few of the specifics in Priscilla's own words....

"Shortly after I was diagnosed with Cancer, I was laid off from my job and about six months after that Mack was laid off too with no hopes of ever being called back. I didn't qualify for unemployment because I was a private nanny, but thank goodness Mack did. However, as anyone knows, you can't truly survive on what unemployment pays. So, not only did we no longer have jobs and a financial means to support ourselves, but I also no longer had medical insurance and had a pre-existing condition.

" Just goes to show that we all stumble upon a few bumps in the road. BUT...with love ,family, friends and HOPE....together, we can get through anything!"

In all the time that I have "known" Priscilla I have been amazed by her commitment to being as positive and upbeat as possible. She never complains. She continues running the "behind the scenes activities" each week, as well as, coming up with ways to keep our challenge blog above and beyond amazing. She inspires me in more ways than one. Maybe it's because I feel a kinship towards her. ( She lives only about 2 hours from me here in Ohio. She is also 38 and, like her, I have always wanted to adopt.) Or maybe it's just because she is truly AMAZING!

I believe that each person that comes into our lives leaves an impression on us in some way and that we ALL have the ability to affect the people we meet each and everyday. I know that Priscilla has made a huge impression on me.

I decided that I wanted my blog candy to be so much more than just a "giveaway." I wanted it to MEAN something.

So I am asking you to help me to raise money for Priscilla and her family to help pay for their medical bills. In return you will have a chance to win some HUGE Blog Candy.

This is a chance for you to make a difference in someone's life. I am asking you to donate money to a fund set up for her and her family. Maybe you'll donate because you want a chance to win. Maybe you have no interest in my blog candy and you just want to help from your heart. Whatever your reason I hope you will and that you spread the word. That's the great thing about blogging. I am asking you to help me to get as many donations as we can, ok?

This "EVENT" will run until October 16th. That is Boss's Day if it helps you remember:)

Edited....This event will stay open through Friday the 16th. I will tally up all the entries on Saturday and my children will pick the winner. I will then announce the winner on Sunday during the STAMPTACULAR SUNDAY CHALLENGE POST

I should have made that more clear...sorry:(

Are you ready? Here's what you need to do.

UPDATE: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU COME BACK HERE AND LEAVE A COMMENT SO I KNOW THAT YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE BLOG CANDY AFTER YOU DONATE. I have family and friends that are also donating that aren't interested in my blog candy. Therefore I will be matching donations to names linked in my comments section for the drawing. Thank you!

1. See that little DONATE BUTTON at the top of my sidebar? Donate at least $5 towards Priscilla's medical fund.

2. Save the image of my blog candy to your computer and post it on the sidebar of your blog with the title BLOG CANDY FOR A CAUSE with a direct link to my blog. Let's try to raise as much money as possible for Priscilla! (If you don't have a blog just post a card onto an online site and mention IN BIG BOLD LETTERS about this event...then post the link in the comments section)

3. Leave me a comment linking to your blog and letting me know that you have made a donation.

4. You don't have to "follow me." However, I will be featuring the companies that have graciously donated for this event. It's a great way to learn about them and see some of their products. I will also be offering another small challenge to win another prize. Stay tuned for that on Wednesday. I may end up offering a few more surprises along the way too. You never know!

Want a second chance to win? Donate more than $10 and I will put your name in the drawing TWICE.

Do you want to see what you can win?

Not Pictured, but also included

2 My Timeless Templates of your choice
A Papertrey Ink stamp set of your choice
A $10 gift certificate to The Digichick

Magnolia Stamp added
Two $15 gift Certificates to DIGIMENTS added

I am SOOOOOOO grateful to the following companies and design team members for donating to create this blog candy that would retail for about $275. (that is MY estimate)

Paper Maniac LLC
The DigiChick
My Favorite Things
Lauren Meader for My Timeless Templates and Papertrey Ink
The Stamps of Life
Carly of Paper In Bloom
Paula of Paula's Ponderings
Liza of Pink Candy Stripes
Kristen of Lilsweetpea's Place
This blog candy COULD NOT have been possible without them. I am forever grateful for their heartfelt generosity. The candy is so big that I had a hard time getting a good picture of it. So, here is what we have pictured:

2 Unity stamps sets: Little Buggers, Tiny Trinity 3 Single Unity stamps , MFT Farm Friends, Verve Plain Janes (2), Heidi Swap Love stamp, Circles Scallop#2 Sizzix die cut,Sizzle Floral Fusion die, Jolee flower punch, Cutterbee piercing bugs, Making Memories Spellbound stamp set, Alota Rubber Stamps Halloween set,Sassafrass Wee Bundle ,Spinner card,American Crafts ribbon and Mini Jewel Brads,Ice Circles Rhinestone brads,KI chipboard letter, WeRMemory Keepers Jumbo eyelets, Designer brads,Decorative borders by Recollections,Copics, Flourishes V2 by Stampology, Alphabet stickers, Corduroy Flowers by American Crafts, MM charm eyelets, Giraffe clear stamp by Prima, Chipboard and flowers, metal edge tags, On Board Art Journal, On Board Book Basics, 5x7 brag book, Gable boxes(3), adhesive badges by American Crafts and various stickers and embellishments.

Are you pumped? I am! I hope you can help me spread the word about the lovely Priscilla.

Come back and visit me tomorrow for a card. Since Wednesday is my actual blogiversary
(how do you spell that BTW?) I will be hosting a special CHALLENGE in honor of Priscilla with a separate PRIZE for that. I hope you visit with me often because I will have some great things to share about my fabulous SPONSORS throughout the month.

See you soon!


Winter said...

How sweet of you, to help a friend in a time of need! I have a good friend who is trying to adopt, and the wait alone is very hard, so adding illnesses and unemployment, must be so hard! I will keep them in my prayers and I would like to help the cause! Thanks for sharing their story and God bless you! :)

Unknown said...

Again.....you make me so proud. I have sent a donation.
Love you,

Dotty Jo said...

Nikki, you are such a sweetheart! I am happy to make a donation, and to promote 'Candy for a Cause' on my blog. I'm not too good at adding to my sidebar so have made a blog entry just in case it all goes wrong! Big hugs, Jo x

Rachel Bleich said...

You are awesome Nikki! What a truly kind and caring friend you are. What a great cause! I have donated and added the link to my blog! Good luck to all and Priscilla is in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki ,
I know what you feelt for your friends . I just do myn donations.
Get strong in God and Priscila is in our prayers . Thank you for sharing their story . And God bless you all.
Regard Erna

Winter said...

Hey Nikki! Just wanted to let you know, I linked your Blog Candy on my blog. I also made a donation, I hope many more people will give! :)

Anonymous said...

hi nikky, your truly are such a wonderful friend to Priscilla, i have made a donation and will be having an auction on my blog with all the proceeds going to Pricilla.
love emma xxxx

Tanya said...

WOW! It's amazing!!!
I linked your Blog Candy on my side bar.Welcome to my blog...
Thanks for sharing the story
Ang hugs!!!

Tiffany said...

Hi!! This is so great!! I doanted and i linked it to my blog!! I am spreading the word through my family as well!!

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Hi Nikki
What a wonderful thing you have done in setting this up. Your blog candy looks fantstic and it would be great to win. Far more important is that you raise a lor fro money for Priscilla. She has just contacted me and asked me to be Stamptacular's guest DT in October. She sound lovely and I am very pleased to have made a donation. I hope her health and finances improve. I have posted the details on my sidebar so hopefully you will get more donations from the UK. I will also add it to my next post.
Marianne x

Jo said...

Hi Nikki,
What a lovely friend you are :)
Priscilla sounds like a wonderful lady, My best wishes for a full recovery and that she can look forward to a healthy future.
I have sent a donation for Priscilla.
Best Wishes,
Jo xx

Patti J. said...

Nikki, I have indeed, signed up to follow you, as I would like to stay updated on the situation. I had no idea this was happening to dear Priscilla. I have also made a donation. It seems very small to me, but perhaps it will help. I have also linked you to the top right first and foremost corner of my blog. www.cherisheachpreciousday.blogspot.com Your momma has good reason to be proud of you. God bless you for doing this, and for being so generous. Thanks for an opportunity to win a nice prize, and to all of the folks who so graciously gave prizes for you to offer. Blessings...

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely amazing for doing this. I would love to enter but my husband is going through his chemotherapy at the moment and I'm working four jobs to keep us going. I just wanted to say well done, the world is a better place because of people like you.

As awful as our NHS seems here in the UK...reading stories like Priscilla's makes me incredibly grateful for it.

Gry-Heidi said...

You are a true and caring friend, Nikki ! Thank you for sharing their story (she have never mentioned it by herself). Priscilla is a lovely person, and I´m happy to have made a donation. I really hope many people will give. I have posted a link in my sidebar to spread the word here in Norway. Good luck to you all :)

Big hugs,
Gry-Heidi :)

Anonymous said...

Nikki - I made a donation for
Priscilla.....how nice of you to
do this for her....


Rebecca said...

I kinda stumbled onto your blog and when reading about you saw that you are from Ohio -- I live in the Athens Ohio area. This is very thoughtful of you to do this for Priscilla. I have added you as a follower. I will have to try to figure out how to add the "Candy for a Cause" on my blog and will also make a donation. I'm new to this and haven't figured everything out yet on my blog. I had breast cancer surgery a year and half ago and just finished my last chemo-therapy treatment in August. Thankfully, I have insurance. A lady here in our area just started a group "Crop for the Cause" and she had the first all-day crop/card making gathering a couple weeks ago. This goes to support the Cancer Society Relay or Life. Thanks for the chance to win this "blog candy". Priscilla and her family will certainly be in my prayers.

Linanna DESIGNS said...

GOOD EVENING NIKKI i was so touched to ready about your friend in need, and how you are trying to make a difference to her. You are one special lady. I have made a donation of hunny under the name of linda wright. Hope you have received it. I have put a link on my sidebar regarding your candy, and i hope you get lots of response to such a good cause. i am also going to post about it on my blog tomorrow, which will hopefully spread the word.

The link to my blog is http://linda-wright.blogspot.com

Thank you for such wonderful generous blog candy, hugs Linda x

Ashley Newell said...

Hi Nikki! You are so sweet to try to help out your friend! I have donated and written up a blog post about your candy. I hope that helps some. I will keep Priscilla and her family in my thoughts and prayers.

Ayelet {Jenny} said...

You are a great friend! I have made the Donation. I am part of the sbs#26 which Priscilla took upon herself to set it up for herself and she is the glue of our group realy.
I had made the donation with love and lots of hope that the recovery is just around the corner x I also posted a linked photo on my side bar www.ribberart.blogspot.com so that we spread the word. This is a wonderfull cause and an amazing blog candy. I have decided that if I win, all of what I will be making from that will go to our breakthrough charity, which is so close to my heart.
I wish all of us to have friends like you. You are truley amazing! x

Unknown said...

The Candy is great but the cause is so much more important. Ofcourse I made a donation. One of my friends is diagnosed with cancer for the second time in 2 years but we (holland)luckaly have a better health insurance system.
Your friend can use every help she can. Wish here much love from all of us, she probably could use that as well.


PS your blogcandy-photo with link is in/on my sidebar right here

Unknown said...

CCS is my normal name (initials) RedCat is my online name. Sorry I forgot to mention it in my earlier comment

Gwen said...

What a great way to help out someone in need! Stars in your crown! Please use part of my donation to enter Ravenwolf into the drawing.
I put the picture and link on my sidebar and also posted a few sentences about the project! Thanks for a chance at the goodies but God bless you the most for taking action on behalf of a family in need!

Gwen said...

Forgot my blog address:

jen said...

What an amazing friend you are! Sounds like Priscilla's a pretty amazing person too!
I made a donation and added your candy to my sidebar- hope it generates more visitors for you!
Thanks for the chance at an amazing giveaway!

jen said...

forgot my blog address!
Thanks again!

Kristyn said...

You are totally awesome! I love how tight knit the crafting community is :-) Thanks for sharing their story and I'll be sure to keep them in my prayers.

I've linked your cause in my Sweet Tooth Sidebar: http://scrappingwithvision.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Okay, it has taken me soooo long to figure out how to leave a comment!! Very inspired by your commitment to helping Pricilla. Will keep her and her family in my prayers. Also, I loved your quote of the week last week ;) Again, couldn't figure out how to comment so had to come back when I had more time...No need to add my name to the drawing because if I won you know I might have an anxiety attack trying to actually use the stuff! hee hee! Miss you, Melissa

pinky said...

Hi Nikki, thanks for letting me know about this very worthy cause. I have made a donation and have posted a link in my side bar. Good luck with your fund raising, Prisilla will be in my prayers.

Little Moos and My Creative Pink. said...

Hi Nikki,
This is very thoughtful of you to take up donations for your friend. Thank you for letting me be apart of it. I have posted your picture in my sidebar and it links back here. I made a donation and I am also going to follow you. Good luck on collecting the donations!


Linanna DESIGNS said...

Good evening Nikki, just wanted to let you know have added a post on my blog about your cause, hope it will help highlight your wonderful cause! hugs Linda x

Unknown said...

Hi Nikki, this is a wonderful thing you're doing and I hope your raise loads of money.

I've happily made a donation and have added your pic to my sidebar, and become a follower of your amazing blog.

All the best

Jan x


Hi, Nikke I hope you get.
I linked your Blog Candy on my side bar.Welcome to my blog...

HazelQ said...

Hi Nikki, this is a wonderful cause! And I'm sure your candy MEANS a lot to Priscilla and her family. You're very generous to do this, I was moved by her story and I made my donation. My prayers are with her family. I added a link on my sidebar.
May you have a lovely day!
God bless,

Seongsook Duncan said...

Hi, Nikki,
Thanks for doing this. I sent my donation today. Wish you all the best!

Dana said...

I sent along a donation today - with Canadian Thanksgiving being this weekend, her story is a reminder of what we all have in our lives to be thankful for. I hope you are able to raise a good deal of $$ for her!
Thanks for the opportunity to win the blog candy as well.

Melissa Canales said...

I found out about this drive from Beate and wanted to let you know that I made a donation for your friend. What a tough place for her and her family to be. I really hope it helps and bless you for doing this for her. PS no candy for me, thank you.
Melissa Canales

Sheila said...

Nikki, You are so Awesome for doing this. Just reading your posting brought tears to my eyes. You are the type of person that everyone needs as a friend. I have sent my donation (after seeing Beate's posting on Facebook). I have also posted the same status on Facebook and linked everyone to your blog. I hope we raise MORE than enough money to help!

The Travel Realm said...

This is truely an amazing act of kindness and I was happy to contribute, just wish it could be more. God bless you and Priscilla.


Terri Trotter Earley said...

How wonderful and generous you are! I have made my donation and added it to my blog. Hopefully you will raise a ton for this wonderful friend. Congrats on one year as well.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I made a donation...wish I could do more. Thanks for the way to help. jane12734@aol.com

Christine Sera said...

I hope you raise more money than your goal!I have sent a donation.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for Prisilla and her family. I made a donation.

Jessica said...

I'm so happy to donate. What huge struggles this family is going through, but having such faith and a positive outlook is so wonderful! Thank you for sharing the story! Blessings, Jessica

Loretta said...

Just made a donation. This is a wonderful way to honor your friendship with Priscilla. Prayers for her recovery and for her family.'
Loretta in SE AK
PS: Thanks to Beate for getting the word out.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to donate and am so happy that you brought this situation to our attention. Thank you for making it easy for us to help. I'll keep Priscilla and her family in my prayers. I don't have a blog, but I'll send my friends to your site and see how much more than $1,000 we can raise. Thank you for doing this.


Anonymous said...

I was happy to make a donation
to such a great cause. What a
dear friend you are for doing this
for Priscilla.
Gladys R.

Unknown said...

Very nice what you are doing...I am an adoptive mom in the process of adopting 7 siblings in a very difficult adoption. How much harder would this be when combined with this families other challenges :o(
I posted on my blog, too. Hope you get a million hits!!

Rosella said...

God bless you!! I'm happy to help out! I'll link to your cause too!

Anonymous said...


(I just happened to look at Beate's blog and saw your post.)

Some friends are like angels. Consider yourself to be one of them. Priscilla is lucky to have a friend like you, a person with a big heart. Unfortunately, I do not have a blog so I cannot post your info but I can email my stamping friends and link them to your blog. I have made my donation. I hope that you raise enough money for Priscilla and her family. As far as the insurance issue, I am sorry that Ohio has a pre-existing clause. I guess we are pretty lucky in Massachusetts as that does not apply anymore and if you do not have health insurance, you can apply for it through the state. Maybe Ohio will do the same thing sooner than later?

Best wishes to you, Priscilla and your families.

Laura at lauradzjigsaw@yahoo.com

Janice Webb said...

Bless you for helping out a friend in need! I have made a donation, updated my blog's sidebar with the blog candy, posted a blog blurb too on my blog:


Anne said...

Nikki, what a great thing you're doing!!! I've just donated, and I've put up the blog candy in my sidebar.
This is close to my heart, too, as Priscilla is one of my "sisters" and THE driving force behind our SBS26 group. I agree one hundred percent with everything you've said, she's an absolute inspiration, the way she keeps going, uncomplaining, doing stuff for others all the time. She absolutely deserves a break and only good things coming to her and her family!
Thank you for doing this, and I will go and spread the word.

Genevieve said...

What a sweetheart you are for helping your friend this way. Having been diagnosed with cancer last year and going through treatment myself, I know how quickly those bills add up. I have sent my donation and hope all goes well for Priscilla.

Christine said...

Hi Nikki like most peeps have just stumbled onto your blog... I cant begin to imagine what Priscilla is going thro..I too have HAD BC but in the UK we get our treatment as a matter of right.. I have made a donation small as it may be but hope & pray with angels like yourself to watch over her she will get thro this awfull time in her life...God Bless.

hugs Christine xxxx

Gina Sisco said...

I found your blog through Lauren Meaders and am inspired by the thoughtfulness for your friend. I am so fortunate to be employed and have health insurance. I made a donation and pray that things get better for Priscilla and her family. I will add a link on my blog. Best wishes.

Anne said...

I so agree with you that people come into our lives for a reason. I am praying for your friend and her family. I have sent a donation and it has made my heart happy to do it.

Unknown said...

Anyone who works to help others in their hour of need is a saint. We need more like you to help "our" neighbors. This cause is a good one and my donation comes from the heart.

Unknown said...

So very kind of you to help a friend...at this time we are struggling with our own financial troubles and I can't donate but will keep you and your friend in my prayers. I will put a link to your candy in my sidebar.

God Bless!

Dawnll said...

How special you are to organize this for your friend.I have made my donation, added the blog picture to my sidebar, also added you to my daily updates on my blog.My thoughts and prayers will stay with you and your friend.I would be thrilled to win this wonderful package.

Jennifer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer said...

What a great idea Nikki!
Oops! I screwed up my previous comment somehow. Sorry.
I made a donation but it will probably appear under my husband's name (Jerome Dunlap). I'm sorry I couldn't donate more.
I added a link to the sidebar on my blog at www.creativenightowl.blogspot.com and I will twitter it as well.
I will be praying for Priscilla and her family.
God bless!

Katarina said...

Hi Nikki
What a wonderful thing you are doing. I have put the candypic with your link on top of my sidebar. I have also spread the word on my candypost.
I donated more than $10 since my fiancée wanted to help when he heard the story (isn't he a sweetheart)
Please include me in the draw. Can't wait to see how many generous people there are out there.


d'Dragon said...

It's so great that there are people like you out there that take up a call to action, when someone is in need, with generosity & tirelessness! Though I'd love to donate more, I did donate what I could. I don't have a blog, but I posted a notice & link on my Facebook page - I know fellow crafters & others read my wall.

Raven B said...

My only regret is that I didn't find your blog sooner. I happily made a donation and I'm sending tons of prayers and love. You are an amazing person and just the though of helping out others is every reason in the world to follow your blog. Blessing. :)

Donna said...

I feel privileged to be able to help Priscilla at a time she needs it most. Don't we all hope for that?

I posted your blog link onto my facebook page... I hope that is OK. :o)

ger&timmy said...

WOW!!! it never ceases to amaze me that there are truly ANGELS among us!!!!!!! truly you are an angel ~ you have never met priscilla yet you are doing something AWESOME for her and here family ~

i have donated and have added your cause to my blog

thank you so much for being an angel

Burchboo@maconcountyhealth.org said...

Nikki, Pricilla is truly blessed to have a friend in you, and you in her. I've experienced colon cancer, followed by 36 weeks of chemo and I realize what a challenge that in itself was. God will certainly bless you both and I'm so proud to be a tiny part of this great show of compassion and caring.
Joyce B.

Mary Friederichsen said...

Hi Nikki,
I just read about this today on Laurie's Blog( Just give me stamps)
I donated, I don't have a blog,but I put it on my facebook page.
I donn't know how to link that back! I am sure a nerd when it comes to this stuff!!
There maybe another donation posted again in a little bit...I am feeling like I should have done more for this incrediable family.
I will definetly put them on my prayer list.

And I need to follow your blog as well! Someone as incrediable as you are to do this for a friend must have some other beautiful ideas!
God Bless you,
Mary Friederichsen

Chris said...

I just read about your cause on Laurie's blog too! :) What a great person you are to set this all up - I hope it's a huge success. I was happy to make a donation! Blessings to you both.

Katherine said...

You truly are a great friend. I was referred to your blog by Laurie (Just Give Me Stamps). I'm happy to make a donation to this sweet family. I don't have a blog so can't do that. I'm glad to be introduced to your blog. Thanks for all you do.

Mary Friederichsen said...

Hi Nikki,
Well I did go back and make another donation! I want you to make that goal and more!
I read somewhere that you were only 200$ from your goal, I so hope that you made it, with those that have seen it today and earlier in the week.

fingers crossed for you!

Mary Friederichsen

Laraine R said...

This is so sweet of you to do this for your friend!! She is in my thoughts and prayers!! I have left a donation (wish I could do more). I don't have a blog, I came from Laurie at just give me stamps. Please include me in the drawing!!

mamia (me and mine in Alabama) said...

Hope my little bit helps, my husband is out of work as well. My husband and I adopted 2 little girls, we have had them 5 years and they are 6 and 11 now. If anyone ever has the opportunity to adopt, do it! They have blessed our lives beyond measure. Prayers for Priscilla and family.

Ladystamper said...

I also just experienced some drama in my life. I was so grateful for those the reached out to help me and my six kids after my husbands death in April. You are doing a wonderful thing! Thanks for letting us help you, help your friend! Blessing to you!