I just wanted to touch base and let you know that I won't have anything to share until Sunday. I watched a sick little one yesterday and popped popcorn at the school today. We are leaving in 10 minutes to go pick our kids up from school for a SURPRISE ROAD TRIP! They have NO idea! So fun. I'll share all the details when I get back. Enjoy your weekend. Don't forget that Saturday is World Card Making Day. There is so much going on around the blogging world. Have fun with it. I'll be having a fun time with my family instead. I had hoped to have a card to post for Saturday, but sometimes life has other plans. See you on Sunday!

bolyay surprises!!!! have fun!!!!
Hi Nikki, just wanted to stop by at one of my favourite blogs and wish you a very happy WCMD!
I have a little bit of candy on offer at my blog today so drop by as I'd love you to be included in the draw! Jo x
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