Love the color green and I love trying to live by the code of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Well, that is the challenge issued by splitcoast this week for the
Limited Supply Challenge . I was already planning on making the project I am going to show. But, I just love that it falls into this category as well. Do you ever have an idea and it just comes out fabulous? Well, that is how I feel about this project. I mean I literally GIGGLED as I was putting it together. Things just worked out so beautifully for it. My daughter is going to a Girl Scout function today and I wanted to make something for all the Girl Scouts for Christmas. I used to be a leader but now I just help out here and there. I realized the thing I liked most about Girl Scouts was doing crafts with the girls and making them things. This is something I wanted to do with my old troop a while ago and it just never happened. So that is where the idea originated. Are you dying to know what it is yet?:D.
We made them homemade CHOCOLATE LIP GLOSS! Yum! I can remember as a little girl LOVING flavored lip gloss. I still do:) I am still very much a child ok. So I googled a few recipes and the first one worked, but it used real cocoa butter and ended up being VERY hard. So then I did some more googling and found this perfect recipe that called for REAL Hershey Mini Chocolate chips. This recipe is soooo easy and uses all the ingredients you would normally have around the house. Chocolate Chips don't last long around here though. I only buy milk chocolate chips and when a "fix" hits those are always a great source to tide me husband too. In fact I just had to go out and buy more because he was eating the ones I bought to make fudge! So anyways, here is the recipe. I wanted to just give you the link but I couldn't find it again. Luckily I saved it in my Google Documents. Here it is:
Hershey's Chocolate Lip GlossChocolate! It doesn't get anymore luscious than this!
2 tsp. Petroleum Jelly
1/8 tsp. Honey
10 small Hershey's Milk Chocolate Chips
1/8 tsp. Shortening (Like Crisco)
Lip Balm/Gloss Pots (Or other container)
Carefully mix all ingredients into a microwave safe container. Clump all ingredients together and place uncovered in the microwave. Heat on high for 20 seconds, stir, and then repeat until melted. Stir well with a tooth pick or Popsicle stick. Pour into pots, and place them in the freezer for 10-15 minutes or until solid. Remove from freezer and enjoy!
Fruity Kool Lip GlossThis sweet and fruity gloss will give your lips both the shine and color you want.
1 Tbs. Shortening
1 Tsp. Honey
1 Packet Unsweetened Kool-Aid (Strawberry, Cherry, Raspberry or Pink Lemonade are great flavors)
¼ Tsp. Hot Water
Lip Balm/Gloss Pots (Or other container
Two recipes for the price of one. Just to give you some options if you (GASP) don't like chocolate.
This recipe is very creamy and oh so good. Now I have to say that I used
10 mini Hershey Kisses as my chips. The more chocolatey the better I always say. Whatever you prefer, but I can only go by how mine turned out. GREAT BTW.
I told my daughter to tell all the girls not to EAT it even though it looks like you could. I just had this image of all these GREEN Girl Scouts on the ride home. That would not be so good. So I hope they heed my advice. So, are you dying to see it yet? Getting giddy all over again here. One reason I'm so happy is that I RECYCLED the little jars that SU embossing powder comes in. Yes, they have been thoroughly washed, dried and wiped out with alcohol....RUBBING alcohol that is. Whole other image of Girl Scouts on the ride home...teeheehee. See why it is good I am not in charge of a troop anymore. I've stalled long enough. There will be many pictures to follow. All Supplies are from SU except the ribbon ( American Crafts) and the lipgloss...obviously. Ok, here are all 10 lipgloss containers. The top one is my daughter's. It was the trial and error piece. It is only bigger because I ran out of smaller containers.

Stamps: Scandinavian Season, Rough Edges Alphabet
paper: Cameo Coral, Old Olive, Choc. Chip. Address labels
Ink: Choc Chip Craft and Classic, Cameo Coral, Old Olive
Other: Clear EP with Cocoa Powder added, ribbon, Sticky Strip, Crystal Effects, Embossing Buddy, 1 3/4", 1 3/8", 1 1/4" Circle Punches
TIP: The largest SU circle punch fits the lids of these containers PERFECTLY. While I love my Nesties, the punches are so much faster is mass production.
Have to share that the packaging is something I got at GOODWILL in packages of 8 for 29cents! They are new so no worries there. Just a clearanced item that didn't sell at Target. Also I used my new curly label punch. Still waiting on the stamps but the punch is perfect for gift tags.
Also as a side note, I tried to make the snowflake on top a scratch and sniff. I have done this before using kool aid. However, the cocoa powder didn't seem to work so well. I may try it again but using sugar free hot cocoa mix. However, I don't have sugar free anything in my house so I'm not sure when that will happen. If you try it let me know ok. BTW, you MUST use sugar free whatever or the sugar carmelizes and ruins your project.
I must go shop now....I'm am starting to sweat at the thought. LOVE to shop but not on Christmas the area of the mall....BLEK! Wish me luck!